Why do some of us live harder lives than others?
So many people ask me this question and so here is a little blog on my thoughts and beliefs!
Many people believe they have been here before, had a past life or have some wisdom from somewhere unknown before entering this physical life. And yes! I agree! I am a believer that we come back to the physical plain time and time again and I also believe that most of us will have been here before. What? I can hear you asking and why? So think of it like this …… We come to the earth plain to learn lessons, to enable our soul to grow and develop, to become a greater soul and more knowledgeable soul. Once we have learnt those lessons we go back to the spirit world. It is almost like going to school, we come here to learn and then take that knowledge home with us. The spirit world being home and this life being school.
So what has this got to do with some of us having a harder life than others I hear you ask? Well it has everything to do with having a hard or easy life. A younger soul needs to take their lessons easy. Just like a younger child at school needs to be taught the basics, but once the basics have been taught then they need to be taught the more complicated parts just like an older soul needs a slightly harder life in order to progress. We do not learn by doing the same thing time and time again now do we!
If someone comes to this physical life and has a really bad time of things it is likely that they have been here many times before. They need the hardest of challenges in life to learn more and more. Some people also have repetitive lessons thrown at them in life too. Let me explain this a little more for you ….
So think of an abusive relationship. Many people experience these types of relationships in life. Some people find that they attract the same type of person again and again. They go from one abusive person to another and cannot seem to get way from them. Is this bad luck or is it that the person has not learnt the lesson the first time so needs to live it again? I believe that a lesson can keep repeating itself until we learn it … with me yet? I hope so.
Older souls tend to be people that struggle in many different parts of their lives, family, financially, health, relationships and more. Many spiritual people are ‘old souls’ having the knowledge and the understanding to connect to the other side. And this to me is why I believe that some of ours lives are much easier or harder than others. So next time you are going through a tough time remember this is a lesson. Take the knowledge from that lesson and leave the rest behind.
It can be very, very complicated I know! But I just wanted to share a little bit about it with you! Hopefully it makes sense! I am always looking for new ideas to blog about so if you have any ideas then please feel free to email them to me at ryan@ryangooding.co.uk
All the Best
Ryan xx